My lovely sister is engaged to a handsome man and they have the best love story ever. Here are the basics. Their relationship dates back to junior high. Scott would come over and swim in our pool and steal Oreos. Next they went to high school dances together. Then, while they were away at college, Scott would send Kaylie his sweatshirt for her to wear cause they missed each other. Jump to June 2011- Scott travels many miles to confess his love. And now they are engaged and Sullivan (my sister’s 2 yr. old) is going to have a Dad! Woop…. As you can see, I’m not too great at telling a story with words and I left out many parts, but that’s why I take pictures, right? :) Love you Kaylie & Scott. Your Valentine’s Day engagement session was a total blast!!
This engagement session has two parts- and I will be posting part 2 very soon! So check back. :)

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The First Annual Evergreen Winter Festival took place at the Evergreen Lake House in Evergreen, Colorado on February 4th and was sponsored by many great businesses. Everyone knew this event was going to be spectacular when we received thirty-some inches of snow the night before. The event consisted of multiple activities, including an ice bike race (with the opportunity for participants to take a shortcut by drinking a shot of vodka and eating a piece of bacon), and a rail jam, sponsored by Echo Mountain. Red Bull bumped some tunes, athletes jibbed some rails, families skated the lake, and a great tradition was created in Evergreen.
I loved covering this event, thanks for having me- Particulars Planning and Evergreen Parks and Rec!

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