Blog August 2011 · Brooke Peterson Photography

Aug 23 2011

Brian & Bridget 8.6.11 – Billings, MT Wedding Photographer

Brian’s from Texas, Bridget’s from Montana.. and they met in Boise at school, where they currently live.  Bridget’s parents live in Colorado, and Brian’s parents live in Texas, so having the wedding in Billings was sort of a destination wedding for all!  It was a beautiful afternoon wedding- the ceremony was held at the church Bridget grew up in, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, and the reception was out at the Bighorn Resort.  Thank you for having me capture your big day Bridget and Brian- enjoy the handful of images!

Aug 17 2011

Costa Rica

Last week I was blessed with an amazing Costa Rica adventure with my husband, Roy! It was a business (Global Travel Alliance) trip for him , so we had a handful of his clients that traveled with us as well. What a fun group!  These images are from the pineapple fields (pineapples that get shipped straight to Costco!) and from a small school we visited/played soccer with- and yes, the Costa Ricans beat us! :)  This is just a small part of our trip, but definitely some of my favorite images came from these two stops.  All images © brooke peterson photography


Aug 4 2011

Katie ..Class of 2012.. -Missoula, MT

Introducing….. Katie McKay.  She is so dang cute, isn’t she?!  We had a super fun time this past Monday night going from downtown Missoula, to the Big Sky track and ending our night at a mosquito-infested barn. :)  I loved getting to know you, Katie!

Aug 1 2011

Doug & Amy 7.16.11- Glacier National Park Wedding Photographer

Doug and Amy planned a destination wedding in one of their favorite places, Glacier National Park. They both hail from New York City, and they played up the Montana theme throughout their wedding so guests could get a good taste of this area of the country.  Most have never been to Montana, so it was quite an experience for all!   The ceremony was at the Lake McDonald Lodge and the reception was at the Belton Chalet, both near the West Glacier entrance and both super beautiful venues! Thank you Doug and Amy, this was for sure a highlight to my summer!



Aug 1 2011

Hefner Family Reunion- Red Lodge, MT Family Photographer

I didn’t know photographing 40+ could be so much fun, ’till I met the Hefner family! It was the eve of the 4th of July and we had a blast playing with sparklers, jumping on the trampoline, throwing the frisbee, blowing bubbles, and feasting on so much delicious food.

Thank you Hefner family- I had a blast with you guys. :)